CLOCHERET, M. Edouard (2024) Intelligence Artificielle pour le diagnostic du cancer du sein PRE - Projet de recherche, ENSTA.

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This research project took the form of an internship at the Institute For Systems and Robotics of the Portuguese university Instituto Superior Técnico. Under the supervision of professor Catarina Barata, I joined the VisLab team, specialized in Computer Vision (the domain of Computer Science of image processing). The subject of my research was Breast Cancer diagnosis, involving Artificial Intelligence (AI), based on Wole Slide Images (WSI) of biological tissues. In addition, I had the chance to explore more broadly the field of medical computing, by attending many conferences of the research community that contributed to fuel my work and to place it in the context of this fast evolving environment.

Type de document:Rapport ou mémoire (PRE - Projet de recherche)
Mots-clés libres:Intelligence artificielle (IA), Machine Learning (ML), Vision/Computer Vision, Médecine, Santé, Cancer
Sujets:Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Sciences de la vie et ingénierie du vivant
Code ID :10025
Déposé par :Edouard CLOCHERET
Déposé le :10 sept. 2024 18:40
Dernière modification:10 sept. 2024 18:40

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