Marzouk , M. Solal (2024) Study of a gallium flow PRE - Projet de recherche, ENSTA.

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The aim of this report is to present a comprehensive analysis of a gallium circuit, focusing on the creation and evaluation of its various components, including pipes, trenches, and bellows sealed valves. The study integrates computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis to simulate fluid behavior within the circuit. Key results from the CFD analysis, covering both theoretical and simulation aspects, are discussed for individual components and the overall system. The report also addresses global parameters such as pressure drop and flow rate, alongside a theoretical power balance model. The findings offer insights into optimizing the design and functionality of the gallium circuit for enhanced performance.

Type de document:Rapport ou mémoire (PRE - Projet de recherche)
Mots-clés libres:cfd analysis - turbulent and laminar flow - 3d modeling - ansys - solidedge - tokamak - plasma - pressure drop
Sujets:Mécanique des fluides et énergétique
Code ID :10107
Déposé par :Solal MARZOUK
Déposé le :03 sept. 2024 10:45
Dernière modification:03 sept. 2024 10:45

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