Porzel Bäumle, M. Guilherme (2024) Homogeneous Shell PRE - Projet de recherche, ENSTA.

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This project investigates polymer behavior on surfaces with known geometries, focusing on enhancing reproducibility in laboratory settings. It aims to model and predict polymer layer thickness through theoretical analysis and experimental validation. The study involves analyzing polymers on spherical and elliptical surfaces, developing the HomoModel to ensure uniform layer thickness, and exploring the effect of rotational speed on solidification. Results indicate improved accuracy in predicting polymer behavior and achieving consistent application. The project contributes to simplifying polymer testing methods and advancing laboratory practices.

Type de document:Rapport ou mémoire (PRE - Projet de recherche)
Mots-clés libres:olymer Behavior, Reproducibility, Fine Shell Layers, Laboratory Techniques.
Sujets:Mécanique des fluides et énergétique
Science des matériaux, mécanique, génie mécanique
Code ID :10234
Déposé par :Guilherme PORZEL BÄUMLE
Déposé le :09 sept. 2024 15:49
Dernière modification:09 sept. 2024 15:49

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