BODIN, M Adrien (2024) Optimization and Data Analysis of new Cryogenic Detectors for Dark Matter Searches PRE - Projet de recherche, ENSTA.


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This report constitutes the summary of my 13-week research internship carried out from 27th May 2024 to 23rd August 2024 in the CRESST Group of the Max Planck Institut für Physik of Garching located near Munich in Germany. This work focuses on the optimization and data analysis of a new dark matter detector module, the LD-Stack, developed by the CRESST collaboration. The LD-Stack consists of four wafers, each made of a Silicon-On-Sapphire crystal and equipped with two transition edge sensors. Recent experiments like CRESST have observed an unexpected number of events in low-energy regions (below a few hundred eV) that do not appear to be related to dark matter. The LD-Stack aims to investigate the origin of the so-called Low Energy Excess (LEE) and to understand the background environment of the experiment by utilizing the different wafers in the module as mutual vetoes. This approach is designed to enhance sensitivity at low energy and to differentiate these events from potential dark matter signals.

Type de document:Rapport ou mémoire (PRE - Projet de recherche)
Mots-clés libres:Dark Matter Low Energy Excess Cryogenic Detectors Superconductivity Data Analysis Astroparticle Physics
Sujets:Physique, optique
Code ID :10365
Déposé par :Adrien BODIN
Déposé le :16 sept. 2024 16:31
Dernière modification:19 sept. 2024 10:02

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