Thys, Mr. Maxime (2008) Performance Evaluation of a Sailing Yacht with the potential code RAPID PFE - Projet de fin d'études, ENSTA.

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The computation of the hydro forces in an optimization process of a sailing yacht is detailed here. Different methods exist for the computation of these hydro forces and a non-viscous virtual towing tank is used here. The non-viscous virtual towing tank is simulated with APID, a freesurface potential flow solver developed at the MAritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN). The quality of the results obtained with RAPID for the evaluation of the hydro forces on a bare hull, a winged-keel and a fully appended sailing yacht is compared. A new set of optimized parameters is defined for the size of the freesurface and the panel distribution on the hull and the free-surface. A tool is developed to facilitate the creation of lifting surfaces in RAPID. Eventually, a small optimization loop is performed, where RAPID is coupled to the Velocity Prediction Program of the University of Southampton.

Type de document:Rapport ou mémoire (PFE - Projet de fin d'études)
Mots-clés libres:Vpp
Sujets:Mécanique des fluides et énergétique
Unité d'appartenance:
Code ID :4245
Déposé par :Maxime Thys
Déposé le :17 avr. 2009 02:20
Dernière modification:16 mai 2014 14:19

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