DUMON, Edouard (2016) Optimal Power Flow with Unit Commitment : Solving a Mixed-Integer Power Flow Probem using Positive SemiDefinite Relaxations PFE - Projet de fin d'études, ENSTA.
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The application of semidefinite programming (PSD) to the resolution of the Optimal Power Flow problem (OPF) has recently been the focus of significant research effort. In con- junction with sparsity-exploiting techniques, it can yield globally optimal solutions for well-conditioned large-scale networks. In this paper, we show that these techniques can theoretically be extended to a larger class of problems, incorporating binary variables to enable unit (de-)commitment, and solve small-scale problems using package GloptiPoly as a proof of concept. We then study the influence of Unit Commitment variables on problem sparsity and show that the sparse structure is largely preserved, suggesting that sparsity-exploiting techniques may efficiently address Optimal Power Flow with Unit Commitment (OPF-UC) problems on mid-to-large-scale networks. Finally, we use the SparsePOP package to solve OPF-UC problems on networks with up to 39 buses to global optimality.
Type de document: | Rapport ou mémoire (PFE - Projet de fin d'études) |
Sujets: | Mathématiques et leurs applications |
Code ID : | 6882 |
Déposé par : | Edouard DUMON |
Déposé le : | 17 janv. 2017 11:20 |
Dernière modification: | 17 janv. 2017 11:20 |