Menezes Martins, M. Ian (2018) Efficient Task Partitioning Algorithms for Real Time Simulation PFE - Projet de fin d'études, ENSTA.

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Real-time EMT simulation relies on multi-cores computers to accelerate the simulation through parallelization and, by doing so, meet the time constraint. Power grids can be split into several sub-networks which are seen as tasks to be computed. Each of these tasks must be allocated/mapped into a processor. The goal of this work is to solve this problem which can be formulated as a TAP (Task Allocation Problem). In this report, will be discussed solutions obtained with heuristics and operations research methods.

Type de document:Rapport ou mémoire (PFE - Projet de fin d'études)
Mots-clés libres:
Sujets:Mathématiques et leurs applications
Code ID :7249
Déposé par :Ian Martins
Déposé le :03 avr. 2019 11:15
Dernière modification:03 avr. 2019 11:15

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