Poirot, Mme Victoria (2023) Ultrasonic Hydrogen production from water PFE - Projet de fin d'études, ENSTA.
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This article focuses on the production of hydrogen using ultrasound, exploiting acoustic cavitation . Two forms of cavitation, stable and inertial, are being studied to understand their impact on hydrogen production. The main objective is to predict cavitation behaviour by analysing acoustic and video data, using both supervised and unsupervised machin e learning approaches. The results show that prediction of cavitation behaviour is possible, paving the way for a more efficient design of sono chemical reactors for hydrogen production, by improving their performance and resistance. This in depth understanding of cavitation will help to shape the future of ultrasonic hydrogen production, offering reactors that perform better and last longer.
Type de document: | Rapport ou mémoire (PFE - Projet de fin d'études) |
Sujets: | Mécanique des fluides et énergétique |
Code ID : | 9858 |
Déposé par : | Victoria POIROT |
Déposé le : | 08 nov. 2023 18:57 |
Dernière modification: | 08 nov. 2023 18:57 |