POUORUCHOTTAMIN, M. Shamin (2023) Electric Derivatives PFE - Projet de fin d'études, ENSTA.
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During the course of my internship, I embarked on an exciting journey into the intricacies of the electricity market. This experience not only provided me with a comprehensive understanding of this complex domain but also offered me the opportunity to explore various models for representing it, ranging from spot models to Forward models like the HJM model. The versatility of this internship enabled me to select the model that most piqued my interest, leading me to delve into a relatively less-known yet promising field: structural models based on physical and economic drivers to elucidate the dynamics of electricity prices. We designed and constructed our own model based on an article of our choosing. This process involved an extensive exploration of relevant articles, data extraction from various online sources, data transformation, and the calibration of my own functions. Furthermore, my internship extended beyond research and included a hands-on mission where I collaborated within a team, adhered to deadlines, and produced technically precise work. Importantly, it provided me with an opportunity to effectively communicate and illustrate our findings to clients, which are pivotal skills for a consultant. This report serves as a record of my experiences and insights gained during the internship.
Type de document: | Rapport ou mémoire (PFE - Projet de fin d'études) |
Sujets: | Mathématiques et leurs applications |
Code ID : | 9912 |
Déposé par : | shamin Pourouchottamin |
Déposé le : | 22 nov. 2023 15:25 |
Dernière modification: | 22 nov. 2023 15:25 |