FERRIERE, Mme Morgane (2024) Mise en service d'un congélateur industriel à plaques PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.

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This report focuses on the installation of a CO2 plate freezer capable of reaching -50°C, located in the Gløshaugen laboratory at NTNU. The primary objective of this project is to freeze food products, particularly fish, given the significance of the seafood industry in Norway. The report also highlights the crucial role of freezing in enhancing food quality, extending shelf life, and reducing food waste, thereby contributing directly to efforts to combat climate change. Through an analysis of key performance indicators, the system can be evaluated and compared with a view to future optimizations. The report details the system, explaining its components and the use of agar-agar powder as a test material, known for its specific properties. Due to the installation being spread over two floors, the test bench requires the presence of two operators to ensure the freezer operates efficiently, with detailed operating procedures provided.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:freezing, food quality, food loss, food waste, optimization
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:10002
Deposited By:Guillaume Ferriere
Deposited On:14 août 2024 10:03
Dernière modification:14 août 2024 10:03

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