Valkenberg, M Jacques (2024) Mass Determination of Feedback-Influenced Interstellar Medium PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.

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Stars influence the interstellar medium (ISM) through several effects including stellar winds, heat- ing of the surrounding medium, and radiation pressure. These processes are known as stellar feedback. The approximation of several characteristics of these mediums still need improvement. In the last decade, several surveys were conducted that could help the scientific community to gain additional precision compared to previous results and thus deepen our understanding of molecular cloud and star formation. Aim: Calculate an accurate determination of the mass and the energy injected by stellar feedback into the dense interstellar medium, thus allowing for a better understanding of these unique structures known to be hosts to star formation. Method: Calculation of the correlation between the PPMAP differential column density maps created by K. Marsh’s algorithm, adapted for this purpose, and observational maps coming from several surveys with the aim of detecting which temperature or temperature range of the dust is associated to different atomic or molecular space tracers. This method is a new way to derive characteristics of the molecular cloud such as the H2 column density, the overall mass, the cold and warm mass, thermal pressure and the cooling rate.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Induction loops, mechanical tests, 3-point bending, bituminous coatings, pavement, instrumentation
Subjects:Physics, Optics
ID Code:10100
Deposited By:Jacques VALKENBERG
Deposited On:09 sept. 2024 14:22
Dernière modification:09 sept. 2024 14:22

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