SAINDEFF, M. Romain (2024) Design studies for a normal-conducting active muon shield in ECN3 for the SHiP experiment PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



This report sums up the work lead during my internship at CERN for the experiment SHiP. It has involved skills and knowledge from diverse fields, from engineering (optimization, materials physics) to particle physics. The SHiP project – Search of Hidden Particles – is one of the future experiments to be conducted at CERN by 2030. Its purpose is to explore diverse theories beyond the standard model of particle physics, by looking forward to detect hypothetical particles belonging to the hidden sector. This document covers the optimisation study of a particular component of the experimental layout : the active muon shield.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Expérience sur le Secteur Sombre
Subjects:Physics, Optics
ID Code:10155
Deposited By:M. Romain SAINDEFF
Deposited On:03 sept. 2024 14:21
Dernière modification:04 sept. 2024 10:35

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