HANNA, M Rémi (2024) Modeling and Simulation of the Trajectory of Starshot Probes PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



This report presents the progress of my internship at the University of Namur, as well as the results obtained. During my time there, I worked on the modeling and simulation of the trajectory of probes for the Breakthrough Starshot project. This project’s goal is to send light sail probes with gramscale masses to the Alpha Centauri star system, using radiation pressure propulsion provided by a ground-based laser. In this context, I studied certain theoretical aspects and conducted nu merical simulations to better understand the challenges associated with this type of propulsion and to become more familiar with the theory of special relativity, and to a lesser extent, general relativity, as well as with the tools provided by Matlab for solving differential equations and opti mization problems. The work conducted has greatly enriched my understanding of research, both in its frame and its practice.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Modeling, Simulation, Relativity, Laser Propulsion, Alpha Centauri, Breakthrough Starshot, 4-force
Subjects:Mathematics and Applications
Physics, Optics
ID Code:10169
Deposited By:Rémi HANNA
Deposited On:28 août 2024 09:38
Dernière modification:28 août 2024 09:38

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