PARET, M. Pierre-Eloi (2024) Alignment of the time projection chamber modules as part of the improvement of the detector close to the T2K experiment PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



In particle physics, neutrino oscillation is a well-established theoretical phenomenon describing the ability of a neutrino to change flavor when traveling long distances. The T2K experiment in Japan aims to measure this oscillation using various instruments. In 2024, the near detector ended its upgrade, including new Encapsulated Resistive Anode MircoMegas. This report will focus on aligning these new detectors for the improvement of its data collected.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:detector, data analysis, statistical combination, alignment
Subjects:Mathematics and Applications
Physics, Optics
ID Code:10197
Deposited By:Pierre-eloi PARET
Deposited On:02 sept. 2024 17:22
Dernière modification:02 sept. 2024 17:22

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