Courty, M. Aubin (2024) Modeling particulate matter exchanges between vegetation and atmosphere PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



A particulate matter (PM) exchange model is developed based on pre-existing dry deposition models using a resistive scheme. A compensation point approach is used to include emissions, which are usually observed over vegetated surfaces. The emission of particles is interpreted as creation by nucleation or as growth by condensation or coagulation. The PM exchange model is implemented in the Surfatm exchange model (Personne et al., 2024). To calibrate the compensation point parameterization and to test the resulting model, two separate data sets from the DEPECHEMOD measurement campaign over a grassland in Lusignan, France are used (Pellerin et al., 2017).

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Particulate matter
Subjects:Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Life Sciences and Engineering
ID Code:10209
Deposited By:Aubin COURTY
Deposited On:03 sept. 2024 14:04
Dernière modification:03 sept. 2024 14:04

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