GILBERT, M Mathias (2024) Étude de l'effet de la compilation sur les contre-mesures contre l'injection de fautes PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



The correct execution of a given program can be disrupted by the environment or malevolent actions of the hardware. These disturbances can lead to faults, i.e. unwanted behavior of the program. An example of a fault is test inversion, because of which the program follows the wrong branch after an if/else condition. To prevent these issues, it is necessary to incorporate software protections called countermeasures into the code. Countermeasures must detect faults in the code and make the program react in the best way possible to them. Unfortunately, countermeasures can slow the execution of the program or increase its size. Compil- ers often try to make the executable code smaller and faster. As a result, countermeasures are regularly eliminated by the compiler because they are considered to be dead code or redundant code. The goal of this research project (PRe) is to study the impact of compiling and compiler optimiza- tions on countermeasures by simulating faults to measure the resilience of programs.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Fault, Counter-measure, Compiling
Subjects:Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies
ID Code:10271
Deposited By:Mathias GILBERT
Deposited On:09 sept. 2024 14:03
Dernière modification:09 sept. 2024 14:03

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