Demazure, M. Orso (2024) Study of the thermal decomposition of energetic materials PRE - Research Project, ?? - ??.



This study is part of the MODECOM project, the objective of which is to study the decomposition process of energetic materials. My role was to follow the work of an experimenter who conducted numerous thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) experiments on several non-energetic binders. I searched for a quantitative model for the thermal decomposition of these materials, focusing primarily on PBHT, but also including HYTEMP and DOA. Using a curve-fitting method coded in Python, I was able to obtain satisfactory equations. Unfortunately, since my model was purely empirical and the exact composition of our products was unknown, my work could not be applied outside of our specific materials, even to other PBHT samples.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Chimie analytique; informatique; python
Subjects:Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
ID Code:10281
Deposited By:Orso DEMAZURE
Deposited On:09 sept. 2024 11:05
Dernière modification:09 sept. 2024 11:05

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