DZIRI, M. Mohamed (2024) Formalisation, implémentation et comparaison du problème de DRP sur différents solveurs PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



During this internship, I worked on the mathematical modeling of optimization problems related to inventory management and flow control. The objective was to formalize a DRP (Demand Requirement Planning) problem capable of optimally solving a stock issue with the goal of minimizing purchasing and inventory costs. To achieve this, I implemented this model in C#, and with the help of OR-Tools, I was able to invoke various mathematical solvers to solve the formulated optimization problem. A crucial part of the work involved conducting benchmarks to evaluate and compare the performance of the selected solvers. I analyzed several criteria, such as computation time and the ability to handle large-scale problems of varying complexity. For this purpose, I created a dedicated random instance generator. The results of these comparisons allowed us to study and identify the most efficient solvers, leading to recommendations for their use in an industrial context. The conclusions of this study offer interesting insights into the choice of solver for solving the DRP problem.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:DRP, Linear programming, Inventory management, Flow control, Random instance generation, Mathematical solvers, Benchmarks, Performance comparison.
Subjects:Mathematics and Applications
ID Code:10293
Deposited By:Mohamed DZIRI
Deposited On:16 sept. 2024 14:48
Dernière modification:16 sept. 2024 14:48

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