vassard, M quentin (2024) Internship in the incubator of Ecole Polytechnique: the Drahi-X novation center Operator Internship, ENSTA.

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This report presents my internship at the Drahi X Novation Center, the Ecole Polytechnique's incubator and innovation space, dedicated to supporting technology start-ups and entrepreneurial projects. This environment gave me a particular insight into how a public institution works, while at the same time familiarizing me with the specific challenges of a start-up ecosystem. In this report, I describe the organization, how it works and the tasks I was assigned in various paragraphs, along with my observations in each.

Item Type:Thesis (Operator Internship)
Subjects:Sciences of Economy, Management and Society
Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:10326
Deposited By:Quentin VASSARD
Deposited On:28 nov. 2024 13:53
Dernière modification:28 nov. 2024 13:53

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