Cheny, M. Tristan (2024) Medial axis construction and application to block structured mesh generation PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



A mesh is a decomposition of a domain into elementary cells. Different mesh types can be distinguished, depending on the shape of the cells, typically triangular meshes or quadrangular meshes. The objective of this internship is the application of the medial axis to quad mesh generation. The medial axis is the set of points of a domain whose distance to boundary is accomplished by at least two distinct boundary points. The medial axis contains geometrical and topological information, that can be used in order to generate quad meshes. The first internship objective is the implementation of an algorithm to automatically generate the medial axis of a 2D or 3D model, using Voronoï diagrams. Then, a medial axis based quad mesh generation method is implemented. The principle of this method, that was developped in a recent paper, is to locate mesh singularities using the medial axis, and then build a frame field matching the imposed singularity pattern. Finally, an application of the medial axis to a quantization problem is proposed. The objective is to predict the topology of the domain’s quad block decomposition.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Quad mesh, medial axis, singularity, cross field, block structure
Subjects:Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies
Mathematics and Applications
ID Code:10367
Deposited By:Tristan CHENY
Deposited On:17 sept. 2024 12:01
Dernière modification:17 sept. 2024 12:01

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