Lederman, M. Hugo (2024) Study of the PN method for neutron transport PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



To simulate neutron problems, it may be needed to discretize the phase space. The goal of this internship is to use the PN method, which discretizes it by spherical harmonics approximation. The first step of this internship is the conception and the analysis of a numerical method of neutron transport lying on the PN method. Then, this method will be programmed in a development platform written in C++. We will evaluate the method’s behaviour for criticity cases. Finally, we will study the performances of the method and the possibilities of parallelism.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Neutron, phase space, PN method, spherical harmonics, criticality, performance
Subjects:Mathematics and Applications
ID Code:10412
Deposited By:Hugo LEDERMAN
Deposited On:08 oct. 2024 15:51
Dernière modification:08 oct. 2024 15:51

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