Vautier, Madame Mathilde (2024) Time domain simulation validation for seakeeping of an underwater vehicle PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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FREDYN is a time domain software that was developed for the prediction of the motions of intact and damaged ship in severe sea states. Its application to underwater vehicles is currently being developped and would be useful for the design and performance assessment of submarines at the surface. The purpose of this project is to validate FREDYN for a surfaced submarine by comparing the results of several simulations to experimental data collected in a towing tank. The properties of the model used for the simulations are configurated with experimental roll decay, then simulations are carried out. Decays, seakeeping and manoeuvring tests are performed to validate the ability of FREDYN to calculate the motions of the submarine in reponse to various stimulations. In addition, the ability of FREDYN to predict specific surfaced submarine behaviours is tested, such as the double peak pitch response in head waves.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Tenue à la mer, Manoeuvrabilité, Sous-marin, Simulation numérique temporelle, Amortissement, Validation, Efforts de dérive de second ordre
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:10421
Deposited By:Mathilde Vautier
Deposited On:08 oct. 2024 20:13
Dernière modification:08 oct. 2024 20:13

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