Azam, M. Valentin (2024) Characterization of a Wave Basin and Study of the Behavior of Floating Structures Subjected to Various Wave Conditions PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



This report presents the work carried out during my two-month research internship at the ITSAS-REM department of the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao. This internship was part of my first year at ENSTA Paris and aimed primarily at studying waves and their interactions with floating structures, particularly boats. The goal of this project was to understand wave dynamics and their impact on the rolling motion of boats. The first phase of the internship consisted of a review of the scientific literature on wave theory, providing a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge. Subsequently, I learned to use specific software and tools such as Awasys 7 for wave generation and Qualisys cameras for motion capture. Detailed technical procedures were developed for various operations, including filling and emptying the wave basin, wave generation and measurement, as well as the installation and use of Qualisys cameras. I also set up software for live visualization of the cameras, which improved the efficiency of experimental observations. Using MATLAB, I was able to define the digital footprint of the wave basin and display achievable points on the LeMéhauté diagram. The experiments focused on measuring the roll motion of a boat subjected to different wave configurations, captured by the Qualisys cameras. The data obtained were analyzed to identify relationships between wave period, wave height, and boat roll. The results showed significant trends, contributing to a better understanding of the interactions between waves and floating structures.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Wave
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:10441
Deposited By:Valentin AZAM
Deposited On:04 nov. 2024 10:28
Dernière modification:04 nov. 2024 10:28

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