Clédat, M. Augustin (2024) Development of a calibration method to improve the accuracy of CWatM regional modelisation PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



While catchment-scale hydrological models obtain accurate results using calibration as a parametrization method, large-scale hydrological models still raise complex questions about regional parametrization. CWatM as a multi-scale model contains a calibration method mostly effective for one station and catchment scale simulation but gives no explicit method for larger scale modelisation. This paper explores different regionalization methods for CWatM parameters to improve the accuracy of the streamflow simulation at the European scale. It presents three parametrization methods based on 48 streamflow observation stations. All the methods significantly improved the mean efficiency of the streamflow simulation but differed in their characteristics: ease of use, maximal efficiency, transferability and robustness. This paper explains how these methods were built, presents their results and provides key points for improving these rationalizations.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms
Subjects:Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering
Mathematics and Applications
ID Code:10455
Deposited By:Augustin Cledat
Deposited On:04 nov. 2024 10:04
Dernière modification:04 nov. 2024 10:04

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