FOUGERE, M Valentin (2024) Integration and verification - Messaging PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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This final project report, completed as part of the MS ILEMs and my internship at THALES SIX, aims to outline my overall experience within the company. It begins by presenting the context of the environment in which my internship took place, explaining the specifics of the work setting. Next, the final project is detailed through its key activities and the expected architecture. The contributions I made during the various phases of the project are then highlighted. A review of both the results obtained in the activities and my personal development throughout this experience is provided. Finally, the report concludes with reflections on this experience and the opportunities it offers for the future.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Release, Messagerie, Jalon, Intégration, Vérification
Subjects:Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies
ID Code:10501
Deposited By:Valentin FOUGERE
Deposited On:06 janv. 2025 13:37
Dernière modification:06 janv. 2025 13:37

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