Albert, Olivier (1998) Femtosecond nonlinear index variations: direct and cascaded effects Thesis, ENSTA.

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This manuscript presents nonlinear optic applications to frequency generation and temporal measurement of nonlinear phase processes. It deals with : - a femtosecond parametric amplification setup that enable to extend experimental wavelength to the near infrared. - a linear phase shift measurement system for time resolved pump-probe experiments. - optical phonon frequency measurement in perovskites crystals, including theorical and experimental determination of the associated wave vector. - temporal measurement of the phase shift induced by cascaded second order nonlinearities. We show that it behaves like a non intantaneous process for second harmonic or sum frequency generations. The associated chirp is therefore nonlinear.

Item Type:Thesis (Thesis)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Non linéarités en cascade
Subjects:Physics, Optics
ID Code:1609
Deposited By:Olivier Albert
Deposited On:01 oct. 2007 02:20
Dernière modification:05 nov. 2014 15:49

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