Glinec, Yannick (2006) Propagation of an ultra-intense laser pulse in an under-dense plasma: Generaton of quasi-monoenergetic electron beams and development of applications. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

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This experimental study concerns the generation of electron beams with original properties. These electrons beams originate from the interaction of an ultra-intense and short laser pulse with a gas jet. Previously, these electron beams had a large divergence and a broad spectrum. A major improvement in this field was achieved when an electron beam with low divergence (10 mrad) and a peaked spectrum (170 MeV) was observed using a new single shot electron spectrometer. A parametric study of the interaction allowed to observe the evolution of the electron beam. Experiments have been carried out to deepen the characterization of the electron beam. The observation of transition radiation generated by the electrons at an interface shows that the electron beam interacts with the laser pulse during the acceleration. Radial oscillations of the electron beam around the laser axis, named betatron oscillations, were also observed on the electron spectra. Such a quasi-monoenergetic spectrum is essantial for many applucations. In order to justify the interest of this electron beam, several applications are presented: a submillimetric γ-ray radiography of dense objects, a dose profile of the electron beam comparable to present capabilities of photon sources for radiotherapy, a very short temporal profile useful for water radiolysis and the generation of a bright X-ray source with low divergence.

Item Type:Thesis (Thesis)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Quasi monoenergetic
Subjects:Physics, Optics
ID Code:2093
Deposited By:Laurence Vidament
Deposited On:17 janv. 2007 01:20
Dernière modification:05 juin 2013 09:03

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