Giordano, Sandrine (2006) Amélioration de la résolution des bagages inconnus PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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In a very competitive context as the air transport, it is important to have the best image with its customers. It is also essential to have a costs’ reduction policy. The improvement of unknown luggage management, participates in this purpose:decreasing the number of mishandled baggage due to unknown tags (to insure customer’s luggage delivery at arrival), and decreasing costs due to luggage’s repatriation afterward. After an analysis of the current processes, this project was based on three different actions: Short term actions in order to decrease the number of unknown tags Not computerized actions in order to increase actors’ sensitivity on actions that can create unknown tags and to resolve some dysfunctions Design of a new tool for unknown tags’ management, more effective and with a better activity follow-up. These actions should enable a decrease of mishandled bags due to unknown tags of 40% at least.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Sciences of Economy, Management and Society
ID Code:3301
Deposited By:Julien Karachehayas
Deposited On:17 janv. 2008 01:20
Dernière modification:16 mai 2014 15:38

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