Vieu, Emilie (2007) New radical post-condensations associated with the Ugi reaction Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

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NEW RADICAL POST-CONDENSATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE UGI REACTION / New radical post condensations were developed in association with the Ugi reaction. In literature, those post condensations involve mainly ionic or organometallic chemistry. Different tin free radical methods were employed. First, radical xanthate cyclizations on alkenes were associated with the Ugi reaction. Radical xanthate cyclizations on alkynes were also achieved. Then, efficient radical additions-cyclizations of thiophenol to various Ugi adducts containing oxime ethers or hydrazones groups were described. Finally, complete changes of the traditional Ugi adducts frame work were obtained using new manganese-based radical cascades as Ugi post-condensation reactions.

Item Type:Thesis (Thesis)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Radical cascade
Subjects:Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
ID Code:3375
Deposited By:Laurence Vidament
Deposited On:06 févr. 2008 01:20
Dernière modification:05 juin 2013 09:03

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