Courade, Nicolas (2007) [Comparaison des organisations instituionnelles et industrielles chinoises et françaises] : stage d’assistant du conseiller nucléaire de l’Ambassade de France en Chine PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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Nowadays, China’s extremely fast development makes this country face numerous challenges. One of the most important (with pollution and inequalities) is obviously to extend the energy production in order to meet the demand. In that regard, nuclear energy may be part of the solution. Because of its long-lasting experience in the field and its 25 years collaboration with China on those topics, France, through its industry as well as state organization, is particularly well placed to be part of the development of this power in the country. This report is mainly divided into two parts. Part one consists of general statements on the roles of the French Embassy in China, and specifically the nuclear service, as well as the objectives that were mine during the last six months. In addition, it includes precisions on technical concepts and technologies needed for a better understanding of the part two. Specific explanations will be given on general description of a nuclear power plant, fuel cycle and plant generations. Part two consists of a study, based mostly on direct contact with the different actors, making the comparison in the organization of the nuclear sector in both countries. This comparison will be preceded by a summary of the present nuclear energy context in China. It will be focused mainly on the respective roles of the different actors implied all along the life of a nuclear power plant, from its erection to its dismantlement.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
ID Code:3863
Deposited By:Julien Karachehayas
Deposited On:25 juin 2008 02:20
Dernière modification:05 juin 2013 09:13

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