Darie, Alexandre (2007) Rapport de Projet de fin d’études sur la valorisation des déchets de chantiers PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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Regarding its construction site waste management, the policy of TECHNIP is to prefer recovery to dumping and burning when this is geographically, technically and economically possible. Rapport de PFE - Alexandre DARIE - Mars/Août 2007 4/57 Thus, the purpose of my internship was to propose solutions to spread recovery to all kind of Technip construction site wastes (hazardous, non hazardous and inert wastes). In this view, we selected two main ways: - To write a guide showing innovative and economical solutions of recovery (recycling, reuse…). Given that the TECHNIP construction sites last only between two and three years, this guide would also present mobile equipments that could be transported from one construction site to another one. The goal of this guide is to enable TECHNIP to find the most appropriate solution to its needs in terms of wastes recovery. - To contact and meet international service companies specialized in waste management. The aim of these meetings is to know the ability of these companies to manage our construction site wastes and to optimize waste recovery. But the first step of this internship was to collect waste data from current and former construction sites. This exercise was quite difficult. We had to face the lack of feedbacks from former construction sites. Furthermore, we had a lot of difficulties contacting and getting accurate data from current construction sites. I prepared a guide presenting new and interesting ways of recovery, with their associated costs. This guide will be useful for TECHNIP engineers to select the best waste treatments. We have contacted and met two service companies: SECHE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS and VEOLIA. These companies could fit our needs. But to know the cost of this solution, TECHNIP will have to express a call for tender on one particular project. To conclude, this training period represents a first work on the improvement of the TECHNIP construction site waste management. The logical next step would be to apply the solutions presented in this report, on a future TECHNIP project. At the end of my training period, I have also worked on other subjects such as the environmental issues in the Adria tower. After I had identified the current situation and practices in the tower, I helped to find means to enhance the environmental awareness of its residents.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering
ID Code:3867
Deposited By:Julien Karachehayas
Deposited On:25 juin 2008 02:20
Dernière modification:16 mai 2014 14:51

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