Bettaibi, Nidhal (2008) Analyse sur moses de l’operation de floatover PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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My project is about the operation of topside installation by floatover. The goal of my study is to simulate numerically with the hydrostructure software MOSES the floatover operation. This project will permit to get a reference MOSES model adaptable to other floatover projects. My study will be based on the project Amenam 2. Validation will be made comparing results given by engineering studies for this project. The floatover operation consists of transporting the topside by barge to the site of installation. The jacket, structure which will support the topside is pre-installed on the field. The barge is positioned between jacket’s legs as the topside is raised and aligned above the top of jacket’s legs. The topside is then put down on the jacket’s legs but simultaneous action of barge ballasting and topside’s barge supports jacking down. The floatover method allows installing very heavy topsides not possible by classic lifting means. It offers a safe and fast method to install heavy topsides. To prepare this operation, the installation contractor must anticipate effects of the environment on the system during installation. The different steps of operation are quite short and imply several linear interactions. A hydrostructure model analysed in the time domain allows evaluating the key parameters of this operation. MOSES software is a numeric simulation tool, which offers this possibility to combine the different solicitations and interferences during installation. Therefore the main goal of my project is to implement a methodology to comply floatover analysis using MOSES software.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Hydrostructure model
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:5024
Deposited By:Sophie Chouaf
Deposited On:05 juin 2009 02:20
Dernière modification:16 mai 2014 14:05

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