Toubin, Hélène (2012) Conception et optimisation aérodynamique d’une nacelle PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



In this study, the aerodynamic optimization methods or chains of wings and bodies already existing at ONERA have been extended to an isolated nacelle case. The first step has been to define the optimization problem. Therefore, a litterature study and some preliminary computations have been performed. The optimization tools have then been adapted to axisymmetric bodies. Three optimizations have been achieved : in cruise conditions, in crosswind conditions and a bi-objective one gathering both conditions. Four optimization methods and three parametrisations have been tested and compared in this study, aiming at a better understanding of the potentiel as well as the limitations of such approaches.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:optimization, isolated nacelle, gradients, sensitivities, adjoint, evolutionary algo- rithms, drag, distorsion, parametrisation
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
Divisions:Unité de Mathématiques Appliquées > COMMANDS
ID Code:6469
Deposited By:Sophie Chouaf
Deposited On:04 déc. 2013 14:08
Dernière modification:04 déc. 2013 14:08

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