BONJOCH FREGINALS, MIREIA (2015) Analyse et optimisation de la gestion des déchets conventionnels des sites nucléaires en déconstruction PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



Waste is generated by multiple producers who have the responsability of its management. Waste is a threat to humans and the environment. Waste must be submitted to a specific and rigorous management which is necessary to plan and control. The objective of this project is to verify the comformity of waste management of EDF nuclear plants under deconstruction between 2010 and 2014, and to suggest solutions for improvement. For this, the nine first-generation reactors will be analyzed: Brennilis, Bugey 1, Chinon A1, A2, A3, Chooz A, Creys-Malville and Saint-Laurent A1 and A2. In this study, different points will be analyzed such as the principle of proximity and the territorial plans, the respect of the hierarchy of waste treatment, the comformity of waste treatment plants and the correct traceability of removed waste. The results show that the waste management is well done and in accordance with the law and internal requirements of EDF. Improvements have nevertheless been detected for each site, especially regarding the choice of waste treatment plants and traceability. The analysis procedure can not be systematized due to the evolutibity of the consulted documents. However, it could be used to verify waste confomity of any producing site.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Déchet conventionnel – Code de l’Environnement – Centrale nucléaire en déconstruction - Principe de proximité – Traitement déchets - Traçabilité
Subjects:Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering
ID Code:6602
Deposited On:10 mai 2016 11:01
Dernière modification:10 mai 2016 11:03

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