LOPEZ, Marion (2016) Calcium Signaling in Chondrocytes Undergoing Various Mechano-Chemical Loadings PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



Calcium signaling is involved in nearly every aspect of cellular life . When a change occurs in the intra-cellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]i, also called cytosolic calcium concentration, it triggers calcium sig- naling. It is, in chondrocytes (cells of the cartilage), one of the first step of mechano-transduction. Various mechano-chemical loadings can generate an influx or an out-flux of calcium in the cell. The purpose of this project was to investigate the effects of different loadings on chondrocytes calcium signaling in vitro. It seems that hyper- and hypo-osmotic loadings result in a transient increase of intra-cellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]i . The transient increase can be followed by oscillations. The hypo-osmotic loading can lead to cell swelling and even cell lyse. Extra-cellular ATP-loading was also studied and it appears that it generates a decrease in the intra-cellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]i.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:chondrocytes, calcium signaling, mechano-transduction, hyperosmotic, hypo-osmotic, ATP
Subjects:Life Sciences and Engineering
ID Code:6695
Deposited By:Marion Lopez
Deposited On:07 mars 2017 11:10
Dernière modification:07 mars 2017 11:10

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