TANGUY, Nicolas (2016) Defects and their detections in aerospace composite structures PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.

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Nowadays, composite materials are more and more used in advanced structural applications, especially in the aeronautic and aerospace field when having both lightweight and resistant structures is a great challenge. This report examines the different kinds of defects in composite laminates which can be used in the aerospace field. The goal of this report is to determine all the defects that can occur in a composite material and to define the different non-destructive methods enabling their detection. After the determination of the defects that can occur in a composite material, a study has been made to choose the most preferable non-destructive method to detect delamination. The ultrasonic inspection method seems to be the most adequate method but thermography and shearography can be used under some particular conditions.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Failure criteria, composite materials, manufactured defects, in-service damage, non-destructive inspection methods, ultrasonic inspection, shearography, thermography, radiography
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:6697
Deposited By:Nicolas Tanguy
Deposited On:20 mars 2017 09:51
Dernière modification:20 mars 2017 09:51

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