Wang, Jinqiu (2016) Comparative Study on the Safety Systems Implemented in the Last Generation of Nuclear Power Reactors Long Internship, ENSTA.
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There has been an increasing safety requirement for nuclear reactors since the commercial operation of the first nuclear plant. As a result of continuous pursuit to higher safety goals by different rector vendors, the Generation III/III+ reactors have gained remarkable advantages over the previous generation reactors in the aspect of accident prevention and mitigation. Since different types of Generation III/III+ reactor keeps various safety concepts and features, it is of significance to analyze and compare the safety systems implemented against the design basis accident (DBA) as well as the beyond design basis accident (BDBA). In this report, three kinds of Generation III/III+ reactors are selected for the comparison as representative, which are APR-1400, AP-1000 and HPR-1000. In order to illustrate the function sequences and relationships in different safety systems, several typical accidents, such as LOOP, LBLOCA and SBLOCA are analyzed based on the preliminary safety analysis reports and other information sources.
Item Type: | Thesis (Long Internship) |
Subjects: | Fluid Mechanics and Energy |
ID Code: | 6763 |
Deposited By: | Jinqiu Wang |
Deposited On: | 06 sept. 2016 14:12 |
Dernière modification: | 06 sept. 2016 14:12 |
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