BLEU, Mathilde (2016) Experimental study of interactions among flapping wings in forward flight PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



The present investigation examines the way flows can organize a group of swimmers, as it can happen in schools of birds or flocks of birds. Five wings lined up one after another are studied, and each wing has the same up-and-down oscillations but can swim freely and can space freely relatively to its neighbors. The five wings are swimming in a closed circular tank. Frequency, amplitude, relative positions as well as speed of wings are measured. Wings maintain the same forward speed and keep stable positions. Separation distances are multiple of the wavelength of up-and-down oscillations.The group of swimmers organize itself into ‘crystal’ due to interactions through the fluid and ‘crystal’ with vacancy are observed . The study of the response of the wings to perturbations and evolutions of positions suggested that perturbed wings leave flow mark in the water that can be feltl by wings coming after. Thus, perturbations are transmitted downstream but no upstream transmission has not been found so far.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Uncontrolled Keywords:hydrodynamic interactions, crystalline structure, NACA airfoil, wave propagation, schooling number, flapping wing
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:6778
Deposited By:Mathilde Bleu
Deposited On:13 oct. 2016 11:54
Dernière modification:13 oct. 2016 11:54

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