GAUTHIER, Nicolas (2016) Building, calibration and enhancement of a delta-robot-type 3D printer PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



"Parallel kinematics have been adopted by more than 25 manufacturers of high-end desktop 3D printers [Wohlers Report (2015), p.118] as well as by research projects such as the WASP project [WASP (2015)], a 12 meter tall linear delta robot for Additive Manufacture of large-scale components for construction engineering applications. The parallel kinematics of a linear delta robot has the potential to out-complete Cartesian point- based deposition systems with respect of acceleration- and thus repositioning speeds since the primary movable mass in these types of systems can be kept to a minimum." [David Bue Pedersen et al. A model of parallel kinematics for machine calibration, 2nd International Conference on Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2016, Singapore] A first prototype of such a machine has been built at the Technical University of Denmark by David Bue Pedersen, and a second one was under construction. The aim of this project is to get the machine running, test calibration routines, and finally, print accurately.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:6790
Deposited By:Nicolas Gauthier
Deposited On:11 oct. 2016 16:27
Dernière modification:11 oct. 2016 16:27

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