BREBANT-DEMORTIER, Marie (2016) Faisabilité technico-économique de la mise en place d’une serre expérimentale pour réaliser des essais sur les sols PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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Several projects at VEOLIA Research & Innovation need to perform some experimental trials on soil: typically, projects dealing with MAFOR (compost, sludge,...) and leachate spreading on agriculturaĺ soils, soiĺ depollution through phytoremediation and processed wastewater reuse. Installing an experimental greenhouse dedicated to plant growth at Limay could address these needs. This internship aimed at studying the technical possibilities and sizing the greenhouse to best run these soil experiments. The greenhouse would produce plant, soil and water (coming from the pots’ bottom) samples, and occasionally some MAFOR samples too. Measuring multiple parameters on these samples would then help evaluating the fertilizing, organic and polluting effects induced by the tested processes, for instance MAFOR spreading. These tests could be run in external labs, or in the labs of VEOLIA Research & Innovation for most of them, which would significantly reduce the analyses’ costs. The “plant growth” area, which would be a greenhouse with a triple wall polycarbonate structure, would cover approximately 50m2. It would contain two culture tables, a drip irrigation system and a water heating system powered by natural gas. A nearby area of 15m2 would allow to prepare the plant containers before the growth test and to prepare the samples after the test. Setting up the greenhouse would cost approximately 100 000€ excluding tax, and the natural gas consumption for heating would cost between 450 and 1800€ inclusive of all taxes for an entire test (approximately 100 days).

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Serre, Sol, MAFOR, reuse, fertilisation
Subjects:Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering
Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Life Sciences and Engineering
ID Code:6830
Deposited By:Marie Brebant-Demortier
Deposited On:18 janv. 2017 13:26
Dernière modification:18 janv. 2017 13:26

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