CLICHE, Nicolas (2016) Dynamic strain on Magnesium Az31 PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



We investigated the field of material experiments at high strain rate. We used the expanding ring to perform experiments on AZ31 Magnesium. We tried several aspect ratios of rings and tried with and without a copper pusher to investigate the influence of temperature and geometry. Strain rate investigated were between 2.7E3 and 1.4E4 s^{-1}. We found that the strain to failure of such a material does not significantly depend on the temperature and on the strain rate. We developped new techniques for bending. We were able to reach strain rate of about 600 s^{-1} which is a range of high interest compared to other testing techniques. Strain obtained are about 0.6 in tension. All the experimental developments were analysed or designed using analytic or numerical computations including Abaqus finate-element software or electro-magnetic computations.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:6852
Deposited By:Nicolas Cliche
Deposited On:19 janv. 2017 14:14
Dernière modification:19 janv. 2017 14:14

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