GRIMBERG, Aurélien (2016) Valorisation des brevets dans le développement des énergies PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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This paper inherits from both the combined teachings of Master EEET-EDDEE and ENSTA, and the first stages of learning how to become a patent attorney. Those crossing views about the role of patents in energy industry allow a three-step zooming development. First, general thoughts on industrial property lead to a better understanding of economic and strategic usefulness of patents. Then, a mapping study of patents about nuclear power plants gives a highlighting on industrial property in energy. Last, a practical case of financial valuation addresses the study closest to the economic reality of a patent.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:patent, industrial property, patent attorney, strategy, economy, valuing, mapping, energy, nuclear power plants
Subjects:Sciences of Economy, Management and Society
ID Code:6856
Deposited By:Aurélien GRIMBERG
Deposited On:17 janv. 2017 16:29
Dernière modification:17 janv. 2017 16:29

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