Gosset, Mme Aurélie (2018) Analyse du risque sismique d'installations industrielles : Caractérisation du mouvement sismique par simulation numérique de la propagation d'ondes en milieu aléatoire. PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.
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The aim of this internship is to study the influence of the physical characteristics of a site on the shape of the high-frequency seismic wave at the surface. This study is based on seismic signals obtained by numerical simulation carried out under Code-Aster. In order to extract from different numerical simulations the value of the parameter , defined by Anderson and Hough [1984], a method allowing to measure this decay of the Fourier spectrum in acceleration of the seismic signal in a fully automatic way has been implemented in language Python. The transfer functions obtained by dividing the signal at the surface by the signal imposed at the entrance of the site, thus isolating the effect of the site on the seismic signal, make it possible to directly observe the impact of the characteristics of the ground near the surface on the seismic wave. We then performed the reports of these transfer functions in order to isolate the different types of attenuation (damping Qi,scattering Qsc).
Item Type: | Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation) |
Subjects: | Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering |
ID Code: | 7301 |
Deposited By: | Aurélie Gosset |
Deposited On: | 27 mars 2019 13:45 |
Dernière modification: | 27 mars 2019 13:45 |
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