Bouty, M. Pierre (2018) Synthèse sonore d’instruments à corde présentant des contacts unilatéraux PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.

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Strings timbre can result of several physical elements. For instance, contacts between the string and an obstacle like the frets in a bass participate in the instrument sound identity. The playing has a great impact on the produced sound. Modelling and integrating those phenomenon in the string equations allow to simulate realistic sounds. A simulation program modelling an unilateral contact has been developed in previous works. In this work, we improve it in order to get a faster simulation tool taking into account elements enhancing the sound. Equations of the dynamics of the string and of the contact, and the functioning of the algorithm are presented in the first chapter. Then, two acceleration methods are implemented in the next chapter. The gain is non negligible. In the third chapter, the musician’s attack, which means the way they excite the string, is modelled. The left hand finger is also modelled. Finally, measures on an instrument are made in order to compare the simulation with reality.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:7318
Deposited On:01 juill. 2019 15:20
Dernière modification:01 juill. 2019 15:20

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