ESTIVAL, Solène (2019) Marine drift simulations for search and rescue operations in Northern Adriatic Sea PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



The purpose of this study is to determine whether it is possible to predict the drift of a person lost at sea. Three physical processes are considered: wind, current and surface waves. They are respectively given by ALADIN, NEMO and WAM numerical models. The software OpenDrift is used to run several trajectory simulations with different combinations of driving forces. It is found that Stokes drift cannot be neglected and that a crosswind leeway component is necessary. It remains that precisely predicting marine drift is difficult since the envelope of all possible trajectories is wide.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Fluid Mechanics and Energy
ID Code:7352
Deposited By:Solène Estival
Deposited On:02 juill. 2021 15:34
Dernière modification:02 juill. 2021 15:34

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