ZHONG, M. Hongru (2019) The reinforcement mechanism of nano particles in Al alloys PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.

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Particle reinforced metal matrix composites (PRMMCs) have been widely investigated and used for their high strength. In-situ TiB2/2024 composite was fabricated using mixed salt method. Difference between TiB2/2024 composite and AA2024 alloy on microstructure, tensile strength and low cycle fatigue behavior was investigated through EBSD and mechanical tests. Introduction of TiB2 particles was found to result in the reduction of plastic anisotropy and the refinement of grains. Tensile strength was found to be improved due to Orowan strengthening effect. Brittle fracture and quick crack growth in agglomerated TiB2 clusters could lead to reduction of ductility and short stage III of the composite. Crystal plasticity finite element method was studied and employed to simulate the mechanical response of TiB2/2024 composite. Keywords: PRMMC, Orowan strengthening effect, low cycle fatigue, plastic anisotropy, crystal plasticity, finite element simulation, EBSD

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Materials Science, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:7406
Deposited By:Hongru ZHONG
Deposited On:06 oct. 2023 16:25
Dernière modification:06 oct. 2023 16:25

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