Garmirian, M. Félix (2019) Reconstruction from characterization data of a laser pulse undergoing filamentation PRE - Research Project, ENSTA.



A femtosecond laser filamentation in argon is terminated using a differential pumping plate, in order to have the pulses propagating linearly after the filament. The field is first spectrally characterized using dispersion scan. 3D interferometry is then performed to retrieve the full spatiotemporal profile of the pulse. After corrections, the pulse linear propagation is simulated back to the termination plate. A translation stage is used before filamentation so that the electromagnetic field is fully characterized at different points in the filament. The results seem to show pulse splitting, appearing only at some positions during filamentation.

Item Type:Thesis (PRE - Research Project)
Subjects:Physics, Optics
ID Code:7523
Deposited By:Félix Garmirian
Deposited On:06 nov. 2020 14:18
Dernière modification:06 nov. 2020 14:18

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