Maurel, Madame Alice (2019) Towards a better understanding of neutrino–16O NCQE interaction: study of the gamma-rays from knocked-out neutron–16O interaction PFE - Project Graduation, ENSTA.



Neutral Current Quasi Elastic interaction (NCQE) of atmospheric neutrinos with 16O is a source of irreducible background for Supernova Relic Neutrinos (SRN) searches in water Cherenkov detectors like Super Kamiokande. In this report, we highlight that in order to get a better understanding of this background, it is necessary to study 16O inter- actions with neutrons in the kinetic energy region above 20 MeV. This report is therefore focusing on the data analysis of an experiment performed in 2018 at the Research Center of Nuclear Physics at Osaka. This experiment consists in sending neutrons below 30 MeV on a water vessel and studying the gamma rays emitted by the interactions using a High Purity Germanium detection. In this study, we obtain the gamma rays’ energy spectrum which can be used to extract the production cross sections of the gamma rays emitted by processes involving 16O and neutrons having a kinetic energy above 20 MeV.

Item Type:Thesis (PFE - Project Graduation)
Uncontrolled Keywords:NCQE, SRN, gamma rays, HPGe
Subjects:Physics, Optics
ID Code:7674
Deposited By:Philip Edel
Deposited On:09 mars 2020 14:43
Dernière modification:09 mars 2020 14:43

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