Perchet, Mlle Astrid (2019) Workman internship report: self-service employee in a Carrefour Market Operator Internship, ENSTA.



In a workman internship context, this report presents the self-service employee job in a supermarket during the summer season. It develops also specificities in this job and measures applied for all the employees. It details for example security measures and quotidian life in this enterprise. Finally, the report enlarges perspectives to draw the major lessons of this internship.

Item Type:Thesis (Operator Internship)
Uncontrolled Keywords:mass distribution
Subjects:Sciences of Economy, Management and Society
ID Code:7706
Deposited By:Astrid PERCHET
Deposited On:17 août 2020 14:41
Dernière modification:17 août 2020 14:41

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