Navarro, M. Vincent (2019) Workman internship report 2019 Operator Internship, ENSTA.



This report summarises my experience of seven weeks in Japan. I chose to do my internship in Japan because I appreciated its culture and wanted to improve my level of Japanese. I first attended to a three-week language course before I started a four-week internship at the hotel LAFORET Nasu. My job there was to dry the hotel’s restaurant dishes and to vacuum. I was able however to observe the hotel’s organisation and discover the hotel professional sector. I was also confronted with Japan’s professional environment characteristics. I also realized how difficult it is to work in a country if you don’t have a good command of its language. Finally, I am glad that I had the opportunity of working in such a different country and I am looking forward to renewing this kind of experience abroad.

Item Type:Thesis (Operator Internship)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Stage opérateur, Japon, hôtel, hôtellerie, organisation, entreprise, hiérarchie, management, vie sociale
Subjects:Sciences of Economy, Management and Society
ID Code:7721
Deposited By:Vincent VNAVARRO
Deposited On:17 août 2020 11:35
Dernière modification:17 août 2020 11:35

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